Circular of the Metropolis of Thessaloniki for the aid of the Holy Monastery of Eikosifinissa

Απόστολος Αθ. Γλαβίνας

On the first of September 1791, the Metropolis of Thessaloniki sent a circular letter to all its clerics and laics, introducing the Hieromonk Ioasaph Kosfinitziotis. Ioasaph was going to travel through the Metropolis of Thessaloniki for three years, carrying part of the Holy Cross and the sacred relics of some Saints. His purpose was to collect offerings for the financial support of the Monastery of Eikosifinissa.

The present work aims at publishing this brief circular. The work comprises a short introduction to Codex 66 of the Monastery of Vlatades which contains the circular, and the circular itself.

The circular is followed by some information on the Archbishop of Thessaloniki, Gerasimos the Cretan (1788-1810), on whose prelature the circular was issued, and on the Bishop of Campania, Theophilos, who was one of the bishops of the Metropolis ot Thessaloniki when the circular was issued and the one who preserved the document.

Finally a broader discussion on the Monastery of Eikosifinissa of Paggaion is made, concerning mainly its history from its foundation (second half of 9th century) till today.

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