open, digital, online, education, distance education

Production and Evaluation of Educational Material Using Augmented Reality for Teaching the Module of “Representation of the Information on Computers” in Junior High School

Published: Dec 4, 2016
Augmented Reality Web Flow Computers Secondary Education
Στέφανος Γιασιράνης
Αλιβίζος Σοφός

The purpose of this study was the investigation of the added value of technology of Augmented Reality in education and, particularly, whether this contributes to both student performance improvement, as well as the appearance of the psychological condition of Flow, which, according to research, has had a positive effect on their performance when experienced during learning process. The research involved a total of 42 students in their second year of junior high school who were taught the module “representation of the information on computers” using two different technologies, those of Augmented Reality and the Web. Research data showed that both technologies contributed to students’ performance improvement and to the appearance of Flow to pupils, with better averages and percentages for the group who utilized the technology of Augmented Reality, though.

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