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Students with learning difficulties and their metacognitive skill planning through ICT

Published: Dec 27, 2017
ICT Metacognitive skill learning difficulties Fractions
Γεώργιος Πολύδωρος

This research explores new methods in teaching mathematics, especially fractions, to students with learning difficulties (LD) incorporating information and communication technologies (ICT).

Many studies have established that fractions are a difficult area of Mathematics, because of the conceptual change. Moreover, many studies have highlighted the usefulness of ICT in the learning process. Therefore, this study will attempt to alleviate the difficulties associated with fractions that students with LD have, using some of the technological tools of ICT.

More specifically, 120 6th grade students with LD were selected, who were randomly divided into four experimental groups. To these groups different teaching procedures were applied a) via computer b) via video c) via both computer & video and d) only lecture. The teaching scenarios were adjusted to software Bars, Pizza / cake and Geopinaka of the Pedagogical Institute’s program, The Children doing Mathematics. Self-developed questionnaires were used to record and assess the performance, the metacognitive strategies of planning. The results of the statistical analysis showed significant improvement of metacognitive strategies only to those groups who had received computer or computer & video instructions. Those who had had both computer & video instruction showed better results. It is therefore necessary to incorporate ICT in the teaching of mathematics and particularly in teaching fractions.

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