open, digital, online, education, distance education

Design, implementation and evaluation of an integrated intervention of Complementary School Distance Education to primary school students for the Greek Language

Καλλιόπη Ψιλέλη

The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of a new integrated intervention of Complementary Distance Education using interactive educational material to support writing skills of students in the 5th grade primary class. The educational material created was a learning object (e-me-content) and a Course Presentation in the digital platform e-me. The following questions were answered by the research: how the participating students evaluated the educational interactive material in terms of learning, design and engagement as well as how the participants evaluated their distance education experience. The present paper is important, since it reinforced the existing bibliography in the field of Complementary Distance Education and the development of interactive educational material in primary education. The research attempted to fill the gap observed in the studies that have been carried out in the research field of Complementary Distance Education for the Greek language in primary school. The methodological approach chosen for this research was a case study that combined quantitative research procedures and qualitative research data in an individual school class. According to the results of the work, the participating students positively evaluated the interactive educational material and their distance experience. The distance activities of the material helped the students to understand and familiarize themselves with the different types of speech and texts and to show an interest and disposition for writing.

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