Can Prosody Help Patients with Broca’s Aphasia Regain their Communication Skills?

Maria Martzoukou

Although aphasia is a very common disorder, the neural processes that influence recovery continue to be unknown. As a result, still there are no specific, widely accepted aphasia therapies. Therapies based on prosodic-musical elements of speech, however, have been characterized as promising. Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) is one of the most well-known treatment methods based on pitch and rhythm, which was developed to increase verbal output in adults with non-fluent aphasia. Although, MIT has been adapted to several languages (French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish), in Greece it is almost unknown.

The aim of the proposed study was twofold: to adapt the MIT to Greek and to conduct an experimental study, examining the effect of MIT in Greek patients with Broca’s aphasia.

To this aim, after the translation and adaptation of the MIT treatment to Greek, 2 patients with Broca’s aphasia took part in the present study. The results from both the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination and the SPECT, before the treatment, just after the treatment, and three months after the completion of the MIT, revealed impressive improvement for both patients. Therefore MIT seems to be a promising intervention program for patients with Broca’s aphasia.

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Author Biography
Maria Martzoukou

Dr. Maria Martzoukou has studied Greek Philology with a specialization in Linguistics at the University of Patras. She continued her studies in the field of Psycholinguistics-Neurolinguistics at the University of Essex (UK) from which she graduated with distinction. She completed her doctoral research in the same field (Psycholinguistics-Neurolinguistics) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her doctorate research on “Sentence Processing: Syntax-Prosody Interface” was funded by the scholarship Heraclitus II and was evaluated with distinction. Postdoctoral research of hers has been funded by Research Centre for the Humanities and IKY.

Since 2009 she has collaborated with various public and private tertiary educational institutions. From 2014 she is an adjunct lecturer at the Department of Speech and Language Therapy at the University of Ioannina and from 2016 she teaches at the postgraduate program “Education Sciences: Special Education and Education of People with Speaking and Writing Difficulties” of the Hellenic Open University.

Her research interests are related to the examination of the ability of several populations to produce and comprehend prosody and the possibility of using prosody both as a means of diagnosis (among others) and as a means of intervention. She also explores sentence processing and first/second language acquisition by (a)typical populations.

She has several publications on conference proceedings and academic journals.

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