Socio-Spatial Effects of the Airbnb Short Term Rentals in the City of Athens

Dimitris Balampanidis
Eva (Evangelia) Papatzani
Dimitris Pettas

During the last few years, the (Airbnb) short term rentals are growing rapidly in Greece, against the background of the rising “urban tourism” and, at the same time, against the background of the multifaceted and ongoing crisis, and the diachronic absence of housing policies. This paper presents the results of the research entitled “Socio-spatial effects of the Airbnb short term rentals in the city of Athens,” which was funded during 2019 by the Research Centre for the Humanities (RCH). After a comprehensive literature review, this paper discusses: a) the extent of the Airbnb phenomenon in the city of Athens, its special characteristics and its particular geography; b) the effects of Airbnb on urban space, housing, society and the economy, as well as on the consequent “touristification” trends; and c) aspects of relevant public policies. Overall, it is shown that the (Airbnb) short term rentals constitute a quite complex phenomenon and emerge as a transformative force of urban space, society and the economy, with multiple effects, varying from positive to highly negative effects for a wide spectrum of the city’s population.

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Author Biographies
Dimitris Balampanidis

Dimitris Balampanidis received his PhD in Urban Social Geography from Harokopio University of Athens, holds an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning from the National Technical University of Athens and a Diploma in Architecture from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has teaching experience on Human Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, and Urban Design in the School of Humanities of the Hellenic Open University, the Geography Department of Harokopio University of Athens and the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens. His research work concerns socio-spatial inequalities in urban space and focuses especially on the access of “locals” and immigrants to housing, residential segregation and transcultural coexistence, as well as on spatial policies and planning. He has conducted several national and European research projects at Harokopio University of Athens, the Research Centre for the Humanities, the National Centre for Social Research, the Urban Environment Laboratory (National Technical University of Athens), the École Française d’Athènes and the research department UMR Géographies-Cités (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CNRS).

Eva (Evangelia) Papatzani

Eva Papatzani is a PhD Candidate in Urban Studies, at the Department of Urban Regional Planning, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens. She also holds an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning (National Technical University of Athens) and a Diploma in Architecture from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The subject of her PhD thesis is “Migration, Diversity and Negotiations of Cohabitation at the Neighborhoods of Athens: Institutional Policies and Everyday Practices,” and it has been supported with scholarships from the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT)/Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), and the Special Account for Research (NTUA). Her research interests focus on issues of urban transformations, socio-spatial segregation, immigrants’ settlement, housing and integration, interethnic encounters, as well as urban policies. She has participated in international and national research projects at the National Technical University of Athens, the School of Spatial Planning and Development (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), the Department of Geography (University of the Aegean) and the Research Centre for the Humanities.

Dimitris Pettas

Dimitris Pettas was born in Athens in 1984. He studied Urban and Regional Planning and Urban Geography at the University of Thessaly (Department of Urban and Regional Planning), London School of Economics and Political Science (Department of Geography) and the National Technical University of Athens (School of Architecture). He is currently a postdoctoral researcher (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow) at the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning (Technische Universität Berlin) and adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University. His research interests include the study of the social production of public space, the development of platform economy and its impact on urban environment, the role of power relations and agency in modes of urban governance, the networks of Social and Solidary Economy, the exploration and comparative analysis of epistemological and ontological approaches concerning the production of urban environment and urban life.

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