Introduction: Reflections Faint and Confused—Experiments in/of Realism

Published: May 1, 2011
realism realist fiction realist fiction Dickens representation
Anna Despotopoulou
Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou

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Author Biographies
Anna Despotopoulou, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Anna Despotopoulou is Assistant Professor of English Literature and Culture at the University of Athens, Greece. Her recent publications include articles on Henry James, Jane Austen, George Eliot, and Christina Rossetti, in journals and collections, and two co-edited volumes, Henry James and the Supernatural (with Kimberly Reed, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) and Reconstructing Pain and Joy: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Perspectives (with Chryssoula Lascaratou and Elly Ifantidou, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2008).

Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou is Assistant Professor in English Literature at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has been teaching and publishing on realism, modernism, and the English novel, as well as on feminist and body theory. She has contributed to The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe and has recently co-edited: The Flesh Made Text Made Flesh: Cultural and Theoretical Returns to the Body (New York: Peter Lang, 2007), and The Future of Flesh: A Cultural Survey of the Body (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).
Belsey, Catherine. Critical Practice. London: Methuen, 1980.
Brenkman, John. “Innovation: Notes on Nihilism and the Aesthetics of the Novel.” The Novel. Volume2: Forms and Themes. Ed. Franco Moretti. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2006. 808-18.
Brontë, Charlotte. Villette. 1853. London: Dent, 1957.
Conrad, Joseph. Preface to The Nigger of the “Narcissus” [“The Task of the Artist”]. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol. 2. Ed. M. H. Abrams. 6th edition. New York: W. W. Norton, 1993. 1756-58.
Courbet, Gustave. La Rencontre ou Bonjour Monsieur Courbet. 1854. Oil on canvas. Musée Fabre, Montpelier.
Dickens, Charles. Hard Times. 1854. Ed. and introd. Paul Schlicke. Oxford UP, 1998.
Eliot, George. Adam Bede. 1859. Ed. Stephen Gill. Harmondworth: Penguin, 1985.
James, Henry. “Honoré de Balzac.” The Critical Muse: Selected Literary Criticism. Ed. and introd. Roger Gard. London: Penguin, 1987. 349-72.
Jameson, Fredric. The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act. Ithaca, London: Routledge, 1983.
Levine, George. “Literary Realism Considered: ‘The world in its length and breadth.’” Adventures in Realism. Ed. Matthew Beaumont. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007. 13-32.
Levine, George. Realism, Ethics and Secularism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008.
Lewes, George Henry. “Realism in Art: Recent German Fiction.” The Westminster Review XIV (1858): 488-518.
McEwan, Ian. Atonement. London: Vintage, 2001.
Morris, Pam. Realism. The New Critical Idiom Series. Ed. John Drakakis. London: Routledge, 2003.
Pliny. Natural History. Vol. IX. Trans. H. Rackham. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1968. 10 vols.
Robbins, Bruce. “Modernism and Literary Realism: Response.” Realism and Representation: Essays on the Problem of Realism in Relation to Science, Literature, and Culture. Ed. George Levine. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1993. 225-31.
Tallis, Raymond. In Defence of Realism. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1998.
Wilde, Oscar. “The Decay of Lying.” De Profundis and Other Writings. Introd. Hesketh Pearson. London: Penguin Classics. 1986. 57-87.
Woolf, Virginia. “Character in Fiction.” Selected Essays. Ed. David Bradshaw. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008. 37-54.
Woolf, Virginia. “Modern Fiction.” Selected Essays. Ed. David Bradshaw. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008. 6-12.
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