What Testimony Does to Literature

Published: Jul 19, 2021
just art documentary poetics justice Testimony Jean Norton Cru Témoins Primo Levi witnessing
Frédérik Detue
Charlotte Lacoste

This article sheds light on a literary practice that critics began to reflect upon in the twentieth century: witnessing. This genre, by adopting a narrative model based on statements of evidence presented in the courtroom, distinguishes itself from other forms of expression practiced by witnesses. Survivors of political violence take up their pens and describe the situation they have been subjected to, so as to attest to historical facts and prevent erasure of the event through forgetting, denial or negation. This enterprise, which seeks to document lived experience and thereby pay homage to victims who did not survive, constitutes both a source of evidence for legal procedure and a contribution to the writing of history. Witnessing, however literary it may be, is founded on a pact of veracity, in which witnesses are bound to relate no more than their own experience and to do so with precision. Finally, witness accounts are addressed to society at large or even to humanity as a whole, in the hope of emancipating it from such violence by raising awareness of its intolerable nature. Though witnessing still lacks legitimacy within the literary field, the link it establishes between ethical, aesthetic and political positions makes this genre exemplary of what literature is capable of.

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Author Biographies
Frédérik Detue, Université Côte d’Azur

Frédérik Detue is Senior Lecturer in Comparative Literature at the Université Côte d’Azur, France. A specialist of witnessing in literature and cinema, he has co-edited a special issue of Europe, Témoigner en littérature (January-February 2016) and, over the last five years, has coordinated, in collaboration with Charlotte Lacoste and Judith Lyon-Caen, a seminar entitled “Savoirs du témoignage (Witnessing and knowledge)” at the School for the Advanced Study in Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris. His book Témoigner au cinéma. Une action dans l’histoire will be published in 2021 by the Presses Universitaires de Nanterre.

Charlotte Lacoste, Université de Lorraine

Charlotte Lacoste is Senior Lecturer in French Language and Literature at the Université de Lorraine, France, and member of the CREM (Centre for research on mediations). Her research focuses on witnessing as a literary genre in the 20th and 21st centuries. She has published Séductions du bourreau. Négation des victimes [Seductions of the persecutor, negation of the victims] (Presses universitaires de France, 2010), an essay on the rehabilitation of political mass murderers in contemporary fiction, and she has co-edited, along with Frédérik Detue, a special issue of the journal Europe entitled Témoigner en littérature [Witnessing in Literature]. Since 2016, in collaboration with Frédérik Detue and Judith Lyon-Caen, she has coordinated the “Savoirs du témoignage [Witnessing and knowledge]” seminar at the School for the Advanced Study in Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris.

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