Introduction: Dissident Lives, Queer texts, Political Is.

Published: Dec 20, 2022
introduction synthesis journal comparative literary studies self-narratives queer radical self selfhood autobiography autotheory Paul B. Preciado dissident identity self-narrative
Aude Haffen

Introduction to Issue 14

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Author Biography
Aude Haffen, University Montpellier III

Aude Haffen is Senior Lecturer in English Literature at University Montpellier III. Her research focusses on LGBTQ theory, the works of Christopher Isherwood and all forms of life writing, notably autobiography, autofiction, letters and travelogues. She has published journal articles and book chapters on Christopher Isherwood and other writers, including Thomas De Quincey, Oscar Wilde, E.M. Forster and Mary McCarthy, and co-edited a volume of essays, Writers’ Biographies and Family Histories in 20th- and 21st-Century Literature (Cambridge Scholars, 2018). She was awarded a 2019-2020 Christopher Isherwood Fellowship from the Huntington Library and is currently writing a monograph on this author.

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