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Balasopoulos, Antonis, University of Cyprus
Baliño Rios, Sofia, Université de Genève
Balmer, Josephine, Poet
Barnsley, Sarah, Goldsmiths, University of London
Bartkowski, Fran, Rutgers University-Newark
Bassnett, Susan, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Glasgow
Beaumont, Matthew
Bécel, Laurence, Le Mans University
Bekri, Tahar, Paris Nanterre University
Belia, Vasso, Utrecht University
Bernard, Catherine, Université de Paris
Bielsa, Esperança
Billington, Josie, University of Liverpool
Blatanis, Konstantinos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Bohórquez, Paola
Book, Lynn
Briante, Susan, University of Arizona
Bromley, Αmy, University of Glasgow
Brostoff, Alex, Kenyon College

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