Shelley and Berkeley: The Platonic Connection

Δημοσιευμένα: nov 1, 1991
E. Douka-Kabitoglou
[Δεν διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
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Jonathan Bennet interprets Berkeley's idealistic solution as the only alternative to the Lockean "veil-of-perception" theory (Locke, Berkeley, Hume: Central Themes[Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971]

Peter S. Wenz, "Berkeley's Christian Neopiatonism", Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (1976)

In his Preface to the Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, Berkeley announces the objective of his philosophical endeavour, being that "atheism and scepticism will be utterly destroyed" (ed. Robert M. Adams [Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 1979]

A. D. Nuttall, A Common Sky: Philosophy and the Literary Imagination (London: Chatto & Windus, 1974

The Moral Philosophy of George Berkeley [The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff, 1970]

The Principles of Human Knowledge; Three Dialogues between Hylas and Pbilonus, ed. G. J. Warnock (1962; Glasgow: Collins/Fontana, 1979)

Shelley's Prose, or the Trumpet of a Prophesy, ed. David L. Clark, corr. edn [1954; Albuquerque: The University of New
Mexico Press, 1966]

Robert L. Armstrong, Metaphysics and British Empiricism [Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1970]

The Collected Dialogues of Plato, ed. Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961).

Harry A. Wolfson,"Extradeical and Intradeical Interpretations of Platonic Ideas", Journal of the History of Ideas 22 (1961)

John Wild, George Berkeley: A Study of His Life and Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, 1936)

The Works of George Berkeley, ed. Alexander C. Fraser, 4 vols (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1901)

The Works of George Berkeley,ιιι

Ellen D. Leyburn, "Berkeleian Elements in Wordsworth's Thought", Journal of English and Germanic Philology 47 (1948)

John H. Muirhead, Coleridge as Philosopher (London: George Allen & Unwin; New York: Macmillan, 1930)

James V. Baker, The Sacred River: Coleridge's Theory of the Imagination (1957;New York: Greenwood Press, 1969)

Muirhead, Coleridge as Philosopher

Newman I. White, Shelley, 2 vols [1940; New York: Octagon Books, 1972], I

SheUey at Work: A Critical Inquiry [Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1956]

("The Dating of Shelley's Prose", PMLA 58 [1943]

Shelley: A Crìtical Reading (1971; Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977)

James A. Notopoulos, The Platonism of Shelley: A Study of Platonism and the Poetic Mind (1949; New York: Octagon Books, 1969)

The Letters of Percy Bussbe Shelley, ed. Frederick L. Jones, 2 vols (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1964)

("The Dates and Sources of Shelley's Metaphysical, Moral, and Religious Essays",University of Texas Studies in English 28 [1949]

Studies in Shelley [1936; New York: The Foicroft Press, 1969]

G. S. Brett, "Shelley's Relation to Berkeley and Drummond", in
Studies in English by Members of University College, Toronto, ed. M. W. Wallace(Toronto, 1931)

Shelley and the Thought of His Time: A Study in the History of Ideas [New Haven: Yale University Press,194η

Frederick L. Jones, "Shelley's On Life", PMLA 62 (1947)

Poetical Works, ed. Thomas Hutchinson, corr. edn G. M. Matthews (1905; 1943; Oxford: Oxford University Press,1970).

The Concept of Nature in Nineteenth-Century English Poetry [1936; New York: Russell & Russell, 1966]

("The Philosophical Element in SheUey", The Journal of Speculative PbUosophy 14 [1880])

The Deep Truth: A Study of SheUey's Scepticism (1954;Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1962)

The Unaknowledged Legislator. SheUey and PoUtics [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980])

Lilian M. Winstanley, "Platonism in Shelley", Essays and Studies 4 (1913)

Ross G. Woodman, "Shelley's Changing Attitude to Plato", Journal of the History of Ideas 21 (1960)

William J.McTaggart, "Some New Inquiries into Shelley's Platonism", Keats-SheUey Memorial BuUetin 21 (1970)

Philosophical Incursions into English Literature (1946; New York: Rüssel & RusseU, 1962)

The PhUosophy of Plato [1939; New York: Octagon Books, 1966]