Μια συγκριτική μελέτη σπουδών κινηματογραφικής εκπαίδευσης στην Ελλάδα Ποιοτικές παράμετροι και καλυπτόμενες αναγκαιότητες

Published: Jun 27, 2023
Higher educational institutes undergraduate programs film studies open and distance learning constructivism
Λαμπρινή Τριβέλλα
Στυλιανός Ζερεφός
Σπυρίδων ΣΙΑΚΑΣ
Αντιγόνη Βλαβιανού
Ιωάννης Σακαρίδης

This paper describes the development framework for an open distance learning under- graduate program in film studies on the basis of specific criteria and principles for learning. Also, it presents the comparative analysis of similar undergraduate programs in film studies both in distance education and in conventional public Universities in Greece.

Initially, the basic principles of film studies development program are identified, on the basis of international standards, as they are determined by UNESCO, EUA combined with the principles of student-centrice learning in distance education.

On the basis of the above theoretical framework, the case of the undergraduate program Film Studies: Screenplay, Filmmaking and Research (SKI) of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) is studied comparatively with the other undergraduate programs in film studies in Greece.

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