Vol. 5 No. 1 (2010)

Published: 2016-04-13

Inequality and poverty in Greece before and after the crisis in energy prices

Δήμητρα Αγγελοπούλου, Σταύρος Ζωγραφάκης, Παναγιώτης Σύψας

Public debt dynamics, economic policy and social cohesion in Greece: a note

Θεόδωρος Μαριόλης, Κώστας Παπουλής

From social welfare to social entrepreneurship: introducing new models of social development in traditional social services: the case of Nafpaktia

Ευγενία Μπιτσάνη, Αθανασία Τριανταφυλλοπούλου, Δημήτρης Σταυρουλάκης, Σταύρος Σταυρόγιαννης, Παρασκευάς Καλομενίδης