Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Bioethica

Published: 2015-02-22

"Bioethica": a start

Τάκης Βιδάλης (Takis Vidalis)

Defining health and disease: Self-knowledge as a standard of health

Γρηγόρης Αθανασιάδης (Grigoris Athanasiadis)

Should there be two genders? The case of intersex people

Nikoleta Pikramenou (Νικολέτα Πικραμένου)

The homosexuals’ right to procreation in Greece

Καλλιόπη Κηπουρίδου (Kalliopi Kipouridou), Μαρία Μηλαπίδου (Maria Milapidou)

Bioethics and Contemporary Art: Examples and Questions

Νιόβη - Ευγενία Παπαδάκη (Niovi - Evgenia Papadaki)