Economic inequalities, poverty and social exclusion The international experience and the case of Greece during the recent crisis

Published: Feb 22, 2018
Economic inequalities poverty and social exclusion Greece
Theodoros Mitrakos

The issues of inequality, poverty and social exclusion have become particularly relevant during the crisis, and the available empirical findings can inform the ongoing political and social debate. In this context, the present paper summarises the main findings on economic inequalities based on international experience, before going on to discuss the results of available survey regarding the levels and changes of social indicators such as income inequality, poverty, social exclusion and other welfare indicators in Greece during the recent crisis. As shown by the analysis, a decline in the share of labour income in total income can be observed internationally, while income inequality globally remains at historically high levels. In the case of Greece, inequality and poverty indicators deteriorated considerably in the early years of the recent crisis, especially in comparison with households’ pre-crisis living standards. These points to an urgent need to redefine the key parameters of social policy in the light of the recent economic crisis and the current economic conjuncture.

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