Κοινωνική επιχειρηματικότητα και σωφρονιστική. Προτεινόμενο μοντέλο εργασιακής επανένταξης έγκλειστων και αποφυλακισμένων στην Ελλάδα

Χρήστος Τσιλίκης
Ελένη Μαρία Γάκου
This article explores the dynamics of developing Social Enterprises, within and outside Greek detention centers, by inmates and ex-prisoners respectively. Initially, a historical overview of the right to work for people living in detention centers is presented, while a thorough and critical assessment of the current institutional framework in Greece, regarding employment opportunities it offers, is made. The prospects of developing Social Enterprises both inside and outside detention facilities is furthermore evaluated, while a model of cooperation between third, private and public sector bodies is proposed. The reasons why social enterprises, and third sector organizations in general, can successfully engage in the field of social and work integration or reintegration of prisoners or ex-prisoners are being elaborated on and coupled with examples of partnerships from abroad. A set of valid arguments is put forth as to the necessity of partnerships -both in terms of economy and performance- as well as to the need to develop programs whose effectiveness will eventually be evaluated on the basis of a series of indicators that are specially made for the program in question. In light of the aforestated best practices from abroad, we shall subsequently come up with a framework of cooperation between the Third, the Private and the Public Sector: the aforementioned framework is to be duly structured and analyzed as to its individual features within our proposal and is intertwined with the implementation of a pilot program in rural prisons in Greece.
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