Δεν είμαστε όλες σε αναμονή για τη «λήξη» της πανδημίας: φεμινιστικές αρθρώσεις για την έμφυλη βία στη Λατινική Αμερική

Published: Jun 24, 2022
gender, gender based violence, feminism, pandemic, Latin America, movements
Ματίνα Παπαγιαννοπούλου
Ναυσικά Μοσχοβάκου

The pandemic outbreak has brought to the forefront pre-existing rooted and interconnected gender inequalities, intersected with systems of oppression and vulnerability. Under these circumstances, gender-based violence disproportionately affected those who were already most likely to experience such incidents, and related reports rates were increased worldwide. In Latin America, where some of the highest rates of gender-based violence and femicides have been reported over the years, feminist movements, grass root collectives and social rights’ groups have opened up new ways of expression to address gender, racial, class and other social tensions that are identified at the social policy field. Beyond institutional frameworks, forms of collective feminist response, solidarity and resistance were forged through the invention and development of alternative practices, structures and services for survivors of gender-based violence. These ventures form a strong “we” that shifts from the (inter)local to the transnational level, and reveal new possibilities of collective feminist articulation against violence, poverty and exclusion.

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