Η διερεύνηση των πρακτικών για τις διακρατικές υιοθεσίες στην Ελλάδα. Απόψεις, αντιλήψεις, επισημάνσεις επαγγελματιών και θετών γονέων

Published: Jan 9, 2024
Στέφανος Κόφφας

Adoption as a social institution aims to cover both the psycho-emotional needs of the child and ensure a permanent and safe family environment, as well as the adoptive parents by completing the family bond. Adoption is a process through which a legal family is created for the child and aims for its long-term well-being. The factors that contribute to its realization are the biological parents of the child to be adopted, the child himself, the adoptive parents, the competent social services and the court that decides on the adoption. It is a multi-dimensional and complex process which is approached institutionally, interpretative, and experientially in a special and different way for each of those involved and is valued equally separately in terms of its progress and its results. The present study presents the findings from the investigation of the procedures in the transnational investigations carried out in Greece between 2011-2019 by the competent Agencies of the Regions defined by law, among which is the International Social Service-Hellenic Branch, but also the way the adoptive parents and professionals themselves experienced the process.

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