Political Parties and Ideological framing of Welfare State crisis: The case of Social Insurance Reform in Greece (2009-2022)

Παναγιώτα Ανδρέου

This article examines the evolution of the ideological discourse articulated by political parties as a component of the political practices they employ to manage various social policy reforms, particularly those concerning the Social Insurance System. It attempts to periodize the Metapolitefsi era based on the political practices adopted by political parties in relation to the Social Insurance System reform. Four distinct periods can be distinguished: the period of credit claiming (1974-1990), the period of selective blame avoidance (1990-2009), the period of imposed external coercion (2009-2018), and finally, the period of negative credit claiming (2019-2022). The article focuses particularly on the study of the last two periods, analyzing political tactics and ideological discourse in depth, both within the Government and the Opposition, as depicted in the minutes of parliamentary debates. The qualitative analysis of the ideological discourse of political parties, as articulated in the key reforms of the Social Insurance System during recent periods, is conducted based on existing literature regarding political cost reduction tactics associated with attempted reforms

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