The Screen of the Migrant Body: Technologies of Abjection and the “So-Called” Rape of Amarinthos

Published: Dec 31, 2013
gang rape violence against migrants abject body visual technologies cyberbullying
Penelope Papailias

This article examines a seminal moment in the violent mediatized exposure of the female migrant body in contemporary Greek society: the 2006 video rape of a
student of Bulgarian origin in Amarinthos, Evia. This cyberbullying incident demonstrated how the contemporary exercise of gender and ethnic violence relies on technological practices of optical targeting, surveillance, spectacularization and voyeurism by sovereign citizens. After initial intense media coverage, however, the “truth” of the rape gradually came into question. As a process of abjection, the
rape transformed an immigrant neighbor, classmate, even girlfriend—a familiar stranger—into an abhorrent Other, whose inseparability from the self, in fact, is confirmed by this ongoing repudiation.

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