Identification and assessment of Cretan geotopes

Published: Jan 1, 2007
Geotopes geodiversity earth heritage geoconservation Crete
C. Fassoulas
K. Paragamian
G. Iliopoulos

This study presents the first complete list of the most important geological features and landforms of Crete. Identification of geo topes and collection of data were based on earlier publications and similar efforts, search in existing scientific literature and field observations. A database was formed containing the overall documentation of each geotope, on which evaluation was afterwards implemented. Worldwide tested methodologies were used for the recognition of the importance and value for each geotope, as well as, the identification of possible threats and future perspectives for local economic and scientific development. About 132 geotopes were recognized for their national or regional importance, their representativeness for the interpretation of Cretan geology and impact on natural ecosystems and local culture. The majority of these geotopes are of high scientific and aesthetic value serving in our days tourist and scientific/educational purposes. Generally no serious threats or dangers have been recognized, except of few caves where the impact of massive tourism is serious. These results set a minimum base for the conservation and enhancement of Cretan earth heritage, that should be followed by nationally based actions for further recognition and legal protection of our geodiversity

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  • Geosciences and Culture
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