Δημοσιευμένα: Jan 25, 2010
T.M. Tsapanos
G. Ch. Koravos
A. Plessa
N.K. Vythoulkas
I.S. Pitsonis
The evaluation of the parameters c and k of the decay law of the aftershocks in an earthquake sequence has been carried out in this study. For this reason 170 seismic sequences globally distributed, during the time period 1964-1986, were performed. All of them modelled well by Omori’s law. We estimated that the mean global values of and parameters , are 0.660+0.181 and - 0.341+0.090, respectively. The values of these parameters are also estimated for different regions of the world, west and east part of circum-Pacific rim, as well as for the Eurasia belt.The parameters c and k calculated for the various regions of the world found to be spread around the global average, although admittedly few exceptions to this generalization are also observed to exist.
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
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