V. Stavropoulou
D. Giannopoulos
E. Sokos
K.I. Konstantinou
G.A. Tselentis

On April 2007, an earthquake swarm occurred in the vicinity of Trichonis Lake, western Greece. The seismic activity started on April 10th, 2007 after the occurrence of three moderate size earthquakes MW 5.0-5.2. We performed shear wave splitting measurements on seismic events recorded during the first week of the seismic activity by a portable network of 8 stations that was installed in the area by the University of Patras Seismological Laboratory. We were able to take measurements from 5 stations as the seismicity was concentrated mostly at the eastern part of the lake. Two splitting parameters were measured through the data processing, the time-delays between the fast and slow shear wave components and the polarization directions of the fast components. In general, the data analysis revealed the presence of shear wave anisotropy in the study area. The average value of normalized time-delays was calculated at 6.9 ±1.1 ms/km while the fast polarization directions had an average of 130o ±14o. The mean fast polarization directions were consistent with what is expected concerning the local stress field, as it was sub-parallel to the strike of the major faults at the eastern part of the lake and almost perpendicular to the direction of extension. Therefore, the findings can be interpreted by an anisotropic volume of stress-aligned micro-cracks within the upper crust according to the extensive dilatancy anisotropy model.

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  • Rubrique
  • Geophysics and Seismology
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