Γ. Φέρμελη
Α. Μαρκοπούλου-Διακαντώνη

Geology does not exist, from 1997, as an independent discipline in greek secondary education. Geological subjects included in curriculum of "Geology-Geography" lesson in 1s t and 2n d grades of Junior High School as well geological issues included in optional lessons in 2n d grade of Lyceum "Issues of Environmental studies" and "Natural resources management". There are three ways to introduce geosciences in Greek educational system: a)Through "Geology- geography" lesson and cross-thematic projects that suggested from cross-thematic curriculum and «Flexible zone» in Junior High School, b)Through optional lessons in 2n d grade of Lyceum "Issues of Environmental studies" and "Natural resources management", and c)Through Environmental education projects in Junior High School and Lyceum.

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  • Rubrique
  • Geosciences in Education and Geosites
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