The occurrence and geodynamic significance of the volcano-sedimentary Tyros-beds (base of the Gavrovo-Tripolis unit) on Rhodes island, Dodekanese, SE Aegean


The Archangelos volcano-sedimentary formation is described here. It outcrops at the base of the alpine Archangelos unit of Rhodes island and displays sedimentary and lithological characteristics, which allow its correlation with the Upper Paleozoic - Upper Triassic Tyros-beds, known from the base Gavrovo-Tripolis unit in Peloponnesus, Kythira and Crete. Consequently Archangelos unit is correlated with the Gavrovo-Tripolis unit. Moreover it is suggested that Tyros-beds characterize the base of the external carbonate platform of Hellenides all along the southern Hellenic Arc, from Peloponnesus through Kythira and Crete to Rhodes Island.

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  • General and Structural Geology
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