Landslide hazard analysis - a case study in Kerasia village (prefecture of Karditsa)

V. Matziaris
M. Ferentinou
O. Angelopoulou
S. Karanasiou
M. Sakellariou

Landslides are common phenomena in almost every part of the world. In Greece, there are many areas which suffer from landslides resulting mostly in damages to infrastructures and rarely in fatalities. Using GIS tools, one can perform stability analysis using infinite slope model, either in large or in medium scale, depending on the demands of the specific study. The proposed tool is the Landslide Hazard Analysis (LHA) which enables the user to run a stability analysis under circular, plane, or wedge failure in an area by taking into account the geomorphological, hydrological, geological and geotechnical conditions. In this paper, a problematic area was selected in Kerasia village in Karditsa district, in central Greece in order to determine slope stability. Back analysis using a limit equilibrium method prior to the GIS analysis was important so as to determine the shear strength parameters of the soil slopes. Implementing these data in LHA, a landslide hazard map was derived indicating high hazard areas. For these areas, further analysis could be performed so as to determine the status of stability more precisely and also to examine possible effects of rainfall, using more sophisticated models

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  • Rubrique
  • Engineering Works and Geological Applications
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