Teaching Religion Between Bridges and Walls: The Evolution of the Teaching of the Catholic Religion in Italy

Dec 6, 2024
Religious Education reform Teaching catholic religion Interreligious and intercultural dialogue Pluralism Hospitality Pedagogy of dialogue
The paper is part of the debate on RE, with a focus on the teaching of the Catholic religion. It's a denominational teaching that has evolved from a catechetical approach to a full-fledged school discipline. Through an analysis of the literature, we propose to deepen the pedagogical identity of this discipline. We will consider the international debate on the teachings about religions and beliefs. We can therefore speak of dialogical teaching and try to outline its pedagogical profile by linking it to the theology of hospitality. We propose a confessional religious teaching, but with an attitude of dialogue and hospitality.
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Porcarelli, A. (2024). Teaching Religion Between Bridges and Walls: The Evolution of the Teaching of the Catholic Religion in Italy. Greek Journal of Religious Education (GjRE), 7(1), 53–66. https://doi.org/10.12681/gjre.39562
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