Call for papers Vol. 8, No. 1


Call for Papers

Greek Journal of Religious Education


ISSN 2623-4386

DOI: 10.12681

No publication fees


ΕλΘΕ/GjRE is inviting papers for Vol. 8, No. 1, which is scheduled to be published on October 2025. The Submission Deadline is September 15, 2025. Send your manuscript now and see it published by Autumn/Fall. An early submission will get preference in case of review and publication process.


Greek Journal of Religious Education ( is a peer-reviewed, open access and independent bilingual international journal published by KAIROS – Greek Theological Association for the improvement of the Religious Education. It publishes original research and review articles without a fee. The main objective of ΕλΘΕ/GjRE is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. ΕλΘΕ/GjRE aims to develop and promote internationally, research, study and dialogue on Religious Education, based on the axis of theological, philosophical, social/political, ecclesiastical/religious and cultural approaches.

The journal publishes research and review articles in the fields of Education Sciences, such as Intercultural Education, Education on Values, Citizenship Education, Peace Education and Human Rights, Education for Democracy, Drama Education, Special Education, cultural studies, development studies, ethics, law, linguistics, literature, methodology, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, performing arts (music, theatre & dance), visual arts, women studies and so on.

The journal is abstracted/indexed in CrossRef, Google Scholar and other indexing process.

ΕλΘΕ/GjRE publishes original articles, review articles, case studies, empirical research, educational material, presentations, and book reviews.


DOI® number

Each paper published in Greek Journal of Religious Education is assigned a DOI® number. The DOI of this journal is 10.12681.


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For more information, visit the new official website of the journal



Dr. Marios Koukounaras Liagkis

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens



Greek Journal of Religious Education
