First description of early developmental stages of the native invasive fireworm Hermodice carunculata (Annelida, Amphinomidae): a cue to the warming of the Mediterranean Sea


Observations on the reproductive behavior and larval development of the bristled fireworm Hermodice carunculata, a common inhabitant of shallow marine rocky bottoms in the Southern Mediterranean Sea, are reported here. In recent years, an increase in abundance and a northward expansion of the populations along the Southern Italian coast were jointly detected, presumably linked to rising water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea. After making in situ observations on two consecutive spawning events, live worms and fresh spawn were brought into the lab, kept at either 27 ºC or 22 ºC and followed through development. Complete and normal development was observed only at 27°C. By contrast, embryonic and larval development appeared to be slowed down at 22°C, stopping at the protrochophora stage. Early development of H. carunculata suggests the existence of a long pre-metamorphic, planktotrophic period in the water column that can explain the genetic cohesion of this species and the low genetic divergence found among populations across the Atlantic Ocean. The observed increase in abundance, invasiveness potential, and geographical northern distribution of the bearded fireworms is probably determined by a progressive northward latitudinal shift of the sea surface temperature coincident with the temperature threshold required for the developmental and reproductive success of the worm.

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ANDREA TOSO, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (DiSTeBA), University of Salento, Lecce, Italy-Zoological Station of Naples, Anton Dhorn, Italy
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (DiSTeBA)
SARAH BOULAMAIL, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (DiSTeBA), University of Salento, Lecce, Italy-Zoological Station of Naples, Anton Dhorn, Italy & Museo di Biologia Marina “Pietro Parenzan”, Porto Cesareo, Lecce, Italy
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (DiSTeBA)
NICOLA LAGO, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (DiSTeBA), University of Salento, Lecce, Italy-Zoological Station of Naples, Anton Dhorn, Italy & Museo di Biologia Marina “Pietro Parenzan”, Porto Cesareo, Lecce, Italy
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (DiSTeBA)
CATALDO PIERRI, Department of Biology, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
Department of Biology,
STEFANO PIRAINO, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (DiSTeBA), University of Salento, Lecce, Italy-Zoological Station of Naples, Anton Dhorn, Italy & Museo di Biologia Marina “Pietro Parenzan”, Porto Cesareo, Lecce, Italy
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (DiSTeBA)
ADRIANA GIANGRANDE, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies (DiSTeBA)
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