
Cover Illustration:  Paul Nash, The Menin Road, 1918, detail. London, Imperial War Museum
Published: Jul 31, 2023
George Tolias

This Special Section is dedicated to the Digital Atlas of the Greek War of
Independence and the Creation of the Greek State (1821–1852), a digital mapping
project conducted by the Institute of Historical Research / National Hellenic
Research Foundation and generously funded by the Hellenic Foundation for
Research and Innovation. The atlas is based on the historical maps and their
related source materials produced during the period under study, and firsthand
testimonies of the Greek War of Independence extracted from memoirs
of combatants. It proposes a digital reconstruction of the historical landscape of
Greece during the crucial years of the emergence of the Greek state and offers a
research tool for information on the Greek space and the revolutionary events.

Article Details
  • Section
  • Special Section II / Section spéciale II. A Digital Atlas of theGreek War of Independence and the Creation of the Greek State, 1821-1852
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