Military Mapping, Philhellenic Geography, and the Making of Greece, 143 1811–1827
Through an investigation of the resources, the mapping practices, the
reception as well the geographical concepts that lie behind a series of maps of Greece
produced by the prestigious Dépôt de la Guerre during the Greek War of Independence,
this article seeks to highlight the links between scientific culture and geographical
imagination in the context of philhellenism and to explore the ideological and political
function of cartography in the age of nationalism and technological positivism.
Article Details
- How to Cite
Tolias, G. (2023). Military Mapping, Philhellenic Geography, and the Making of Greece, 143 1811–1827. The Historical Review/La Revue Historique, 19(1), 143–166. Retrieved from
- Section
- Special Section II / Section spéciale II. A Digital Atlas of theGreek War of Independence and the Creation of the Greek State, 1821-1852

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