The HMS International Journal for Mathematics in Education (in short HMS i-JME) welcomes high-quality research based theoretical or practice-oriented studies in mathematics education from an international audience. The mission of the Journal is to provide a forum for communicating critical and creative research in the field of Mathematics Education with reference to contributing studies in all educational levels from nursery to primary, to secondary and up to tertiary, as well as, to learning spaces inside and outside the school context and a variety of educative places such as formal and informal contexts. In parallel, the journal welcomes studies in areas of core concern including the mathematics subject didactics or the teaching and learning of mathematics, historiographies of mathematical concepts, histories of mathematical practices and mathematics education, research in contemporary mathematics teaching and mathematics teacher education, curricular studies, pedagogical design for learning and teaching and studies that explore relations amongst mathematics, science, arts and technologies.
Call for papers
The HMS International Journal for Mathematics in Education (in short HMS i-JME) is a peer-reviewed journal promoting a forum for disseminating high-quality international and national research in the field of mathematics education.
HMS i-JME publishes original research studies of both theoretical or practice-oriented work in mathematics education with reference to pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary educational levels, as well as to diverse informal and professional contexts for, learning, and/or employing mathematicsĀ ...
Current Issue
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2015): International Journal for Mathematics in Education (2015-2016, including Special Issue "Investigating Complex Systems in Mathematics Education")

Published: 2022-10-15
The Volume includes a Special Issue about "Investigating Complex Systems in Mathematics Education"