Vol. 35 No. 3 (1984)
Full Issue
First Stage Larvae of Meloidae (triungulinus) as enemies of the honey bee in Greece
Β. Λιάκος, Μ. Πασάλογλου - Κατράλη
Isolation of a sheep - embryo after oestrus synchronisation
Ν. Τσερνενές, Β. Λαλιώτης, Σ. Ποΐλας
Some data from the recent outbreaks of newcastle disease in Greece
Χρ. Παππούς, Ν. Μπατιάνης, Α. Σεϊμένης, Β. Καΐλας, Ο. Λίτκε
Application of the méthode of production monoclonal antibodies in the rabies
Όλγα Μάγγανα - Βουγιούκα
Short Communication
Modification of the Immunization system of ewes in order to encrease the percentage of ovulation
Θ. Αληφακιώτης, Κ. Πολίτης, Μ. Αυδής
Spring exaltation of the parasites population in sheep.
Ι. Θεοδωρίδης, S. Frydas, A. Founta
Determination of lead and cadmium in fresh bovine meat
Ν. Ζαντόπουλος, Α. Τζέκος, Β. Αντωνίου, Ε. Τσούκαλη - Παπαδοπούλου, Β. Ναθαναήλ, Ε. Στοΐλης, Κ. Καλαμπούκας