Update on Tail biting in pigs: An undesirable damaging behaviour

tail biting pig health pig welfare pig behaviour
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Alban, L., Petersen, J. V., Busch, M.E., 2015. A comparison of lesions found during meat inspection of finishing pigs raised under organic/free-range conditions and conventional indoor conditions 85-88.
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Buijs, S., Muns, R., 2019. A review of the effects of non-straw enrichment on tail biting in pigs. Animals 9.
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Calderón Díaz, J.A., Boyle, L.A., Diana, A., Leonard, F.C., Moriarty, J.P., McElroy, M.C., McGettrick, S., Kelliher, D., García Manzanilla, E., 2017. Early life indicators predict mortality, illness, reduced welfare and carcass characteristics in finisher pigs. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 146, 94-102.
Camerlink, I., Ursinus, W.W., Bijma, P., Kemp, B., Bolhuis, J.E., 2014. Indirect Genetic Effects for Growth Rate in Domestic Pigs Alter Aggressive and Manipulative Biting Behaviour. Behavior Genetics 45, 117-126.
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Carroll, G.A., Boyle, L.A., Hanlon, A., Collins, L., Griffin, K., Friel, M., Armstrong, D., O’Connell, N.E., 2018. What can carcass-based assessments tell us about the lifetime welfare status of pigs? Livestock Science 214, 98-105.
Carroll, G.A., Boyle, L.A., Teixeira, D.L., Van Staaveren, N., Hanlon, A., O’Connell, N.E., Staaveren, N. Van, Hanlon, A., Connell, N.E.O., Van Staaveren, N., Hanlon, A., O’Connell, N.E., 2015. Effects of scalding and dehairing of pig carcasses at abattoirs on the visibility of welfare-related lesions. Animal 10, 460-467.
Chou, J.-Y.Y., Drique, C.M.V. V., Sandercock, D.A., D’Eath, R.B., O’Driscoll, K., Chou, J.-Y.Y., Drique, C.M.V. V., Sandercock, D.A., D’Eath, R.B., O’Driscoll, K., 2019a. Rearing undocked pigs on fully slatted floors using multiple types and variations of enrichment. Animals 9, 1-17.
Chou, J.-Y.Y., O’Driscoll, K., D’Eath, R.B., Sandercock, D.A., Camerlink, I., 2019b. Multi-step tail biting outbreak intervention protocols for pigs housed on slatted floors. Animals 9, 582.
Chou, J.Y., D’Eath, R.B., Sandercock, D.A., Waran, N., Haigh, A., O’Driscoll, K., 2018. Use of different wood types as environmental enrichment to manage tail biting in docked pigs in a commercial fully-
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D’Eath, R.B., Arnott, G., Turner, S.P., Jensen, T., Lahrmann, H.P., Busch, M.E., Niemi, J.K., Lawrence, A.B., Sandøe, P., 2014. Injurious tail biting in pigs: How can it be controlled in existing systems without tail docking? Animal 8, 1479-1497.
D’Eath, R.B., Jack, M., Futro, A., Talbot, D., Zhu, Q., Barclay, D., Baxter, E.M., Zhu, Q., Baxter, E.M., D’Eath, R.B., Jack, M., Talbot, D., 2018. Automatic early warning of tail biting in pigs: 3D cameras can detect lowered tail posture before an outbreak. PLoS ONE 13, 1-18.
D’Eath, R.B., Niemi, J.K., Vosough Ahmadi, B., Rutherford, K.M.D., Ison, S.H., Turner, S.P., Anker, H.T., Jensen, T., Busch, M.E., Jensen, K.K., Lawrence, A.B., Sandøe, P., 2016. Why are most EU pigs tail docked? Economic and ethical analysis of four pig housing and management scenarios in the light of EU legislation and animal welfare outcomes. Animal 10, 687-699.
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Grümpel, A., Krieter, J., Veit, C., Dippel, S., 2018. Factors influencing the risk for tail lesions in weaner pigs (Sus scrofa). Livestock Science 216, 219-226.
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Keeling, L.J., Wallenbeck, A., Larsen, A., Holmgren, N., 2012. Scoring tail damage in pigs: An evaluation based on recordings at Swedish slaughterhouses. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 138, 1.
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Lahrmann, H.P., Busch, M.E., D’Eath, R.B., Forkman, B., Hansen, C.F., 2017. More tail lesions among undocked than tail docked pigs in a conventional herd. Animal 11, 1825-1831.
Lahrmann, H.P., Faustrup, J.F., Hansen, C.F., D’eath, R.B., Nielsen, J.P., Forkman, B., 2019. The effect of straw, rope, and bite-rite treatment in weaner pens with a tail biting outbreak. Animals 9, 1-15.
Lahrmann, H.P., Hansen, C.F., D’Eath, R., Busch, M.E., Forkman, B., 2018a. Tail posture predicts tail biting outbreaks at pen level in weaner pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 200, 29-35.
Lahrmann, H.P., Hansen, C.F., D´Eath, R.B., Busch, M.E., Nielsen, J.P., Forkman, B., 2018b. Early intervention with enrichment can prevent tail biting outbreaks in weaner pigs. Livestock Science 214, 272-277.
Larsen, M.L.V., Andersen, H.M.L., Pedersen, L.J., 2019. Changes in activity and object manipulation before tail damage in finisher pigs as an early detector of tail biting. Animal 13, 1037-1044.
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Larsen, M. L.V., Andersen, H.M.L., Pedersen, L.J., 2018a. Which is the most preventive measure against tail damage in finisher pigs: Tail docking, straw provision or lowered stocking density? Animal 12, 1260-1267.
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