Molecular identification of virulence features of Salmonella enterica isolated from fresh chicken meat sold at retail shops and markets in Peshawar, Pakistan
Salmonella enterica is an important agent of food borne illnesses in humans. Poultry meat and products are easily contaminated with different strains of Salmonella enterica. Consumption of such food causes salmonellosis in human. The main aim of present investigation was to survey the prevalence of virulence associated genes of Salmonella enterica isolated from fresh chicken meat available in retail shops and markets at District Peshawar, Pakistan. Fresh chicken meat samples were collected from retail shops and markets at District Peshawar, Pakistan. The samples were processed for isolation of Salmonella enterica using selective media. Presumptive isolates were confirmed as Salmonella enterica via different biochemical tests and by amplification of invA gene. Isolates were tested for the presence of eight different virulence genes invA, spiA, cdtB, prgH, orgA, lpfC, sopB, and pefA. Amongst all isolates, 90(100%) had invA gene, 44(48.8%) had lfpC gene, 40(44.4%) had sopB gene, 27(30%) had orgA gene, 24(26.6%) hand spiA gene, 19(21.1%) had pefA gene, 18(20%) had prgH gene and 6(6.6%) had cdtB gene. 15.5% of the isolates had five virulence genes and 21.1% had four virulence genes. The findings of this study highlight an alarming public health risk and demand for strict bio-safety hygiene measures to be taken.
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
- Πώς να δημιουργήσετε Αναφορές
Rahat, S., Ahmad, K., & Ali, A. (2023). Molecular identification of virulence features of Salmonella enterica isolated from fresh chicken meat sold at retail shops and markets in Peshawar, Pakistan. Περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Κτηνιατρικής Εταιρείας, 73(4), 4773–4778.
- Τεύχος
- Τόμ. 73 Αρ. 4 (2022)
- Ενότητα
- Research Articles

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