The effect of reduced dose of PGF2α on certain reproductive parameters in awassi yearlings in anestrus synchronisation protocol following the end of the of the breeding season

Опубликован: gen 20, 2023
I Ozbilek
Y Ergun
A Gözer
O Bahan
S Alasahan
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the administration of half or full dose of prostaglandin
F2α (PGF2α; Gestavet Prost, d-cloprostenol, HIPRA®) injection in a routine synchronization protocol following the
end of the breeding period including intravaginal sponge (medroxyprogesterone acetate; Espanjovet, HIPRA®) and
eCG (Oviser 500, HIPRA®) on certain fertility parameters in ewes.Two hundred thirty-eight Awassi yearlings (aged
one year old) divided into two groups:116 ewes received a half dose (HSDP; 37.5 μg) of PGF2α and 122 ewes received
full dose (FSDP;75 μg).The pregnancy rates were 67.2% and 72.1% for HSDP and FSDP, respectively (P>0.05).
The lambing rates were 64.7% and 63.9% for HSDP and FSDP, respectively (P>0.05).The single lambing rate in
HSDP(94.7%) was higher (P<0.05) compared to that in FSDP (73.1%). The twin and multiple birth rates of FSDP
was higher (P<0.05) than HSDP. As a result, it was inferred that aHSDP could be used in Awassi yearlings without
experience of lamb care and in a herd in which single lambing was preferable. Moreover, due to the fact that it is more
affordable and not detrimentalto fertility, it was concluded that HSDPcan offer an advantage in large flocks and can be
used for manipulating fecundity ratesin yearlings.
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