Vol. 75 No. 1 (2024)
Case Report
Pathological and Molecular Investigations in the Aborted Fetal Lamb due to the Poxvirus
E Beytut, N Coskun, S Dag, H Nuhoglu, E Karakurt, V Yilmaz, A Yildiz
Research Articles
The effects of adding molasses and inoculant to silages of fodder pea and rye grass in different proportions on silage quality
G Şen, Ş Evci, K Kara, K Kara, T Erol
Associations Between DGAT1/Alu1 Gene Polymorphismand Some Performance in Morkaraman andTushin Sheep
S Kopuzlu, İ Aydın, Z Sönmez, H Ünal, D Türkyılmaz, Ü Türkyılmaz
Effect of dietary threonine level on performance, egg quality and serum components in laying quails
ET Gül, O Olgun, A Yıldız, A Çolak
Cardiac Biomarkers in Calves with Diarrhea-Induced Neonatal Sepsis
C Ayvazoğlu, E Akyüz, A Harmankaya, M Sezer, YU Batı, T Gezer, M Kuru
Determination of Zearalenone and their metabolites in sheep urine by ELISA Method.
S Teqja, J Mavromati
Effect of flaxseed oil on colostrum composition, immunoglobulin concentration and immune response in neonatal friesian calves
Mohamed Abuelhamd, Y.M. El-Diahy, M.M. El-Maghraby, M.A. Elshora, N. B. Algaml , Anas A.A. Badr
Stimulation of inflammatory response in chicken Sertoli cells following metformin exposure
G Michailidis, I Giannenas
Development and Evaluation of Live Attenuated Staphylococcus aureus Vaccine for the Control of Mastitis in Dairy Lactating Buffaloes in Pakistan
M Kashif, A Nasir, A Shakoor, A Hussain, U Waheed, A SiKandar, A Abbas
Effect of ethanolic extract of Eucalyptus globulus leaves on growth enhancing, gut morphology, and intestinal absorption capacity in broiler chicken
A Ullah, AA Anjum, F Raziq, MT Khan, R Gul, M Rauf, F Wadood, H Ali, G Abbas, E Bughio, U Younas, Q Nisa, K Khan
Comparison of productive performance, gene expression, metabolic biochemical profile and economic evaluation between some layer and broiler breeds
H Ghanem, Y Elseady, S Ibrahim, A Ateya
Prevalence of subclinical ketosis in small backyard Holstein dairy farms in western cities of Turkey
K Aksoy, A Deniz, A Pekmezci, M Metin, PF Polat Dinçer
Hoof Overgrowth in Saanen Goats: A Study on Relationship Between Hoof Overgrowth, White Line Disease, Lameness and Body Condition
Z Bozkan, Z Bilgen, O Bulut, B Kibar Kurt, E Gülendağ, A Belge
First isolation of trh positive Vibrio alginolyticus from Engraulis encrasicolus in Turkey
ML Avsever, S Tunalıgil
In vitro probiotic properties of enterocin-producing Enterococcus mundtii and Enterococcus faecium strains isolated from sheep and goat colostrum
H Öztürk, B Geniş, B Özden Tuncer, Y Tuncer
Photometric and Radiometric hoof capsule evaluation in normal and long toeunderrun heel in donkey
AI El-Marakby , AI Abdelgalil, AA Metwally, MB Mostafa, AS Soliman
Evaluation of the effects of amiodarone and amiodarone+dobutamine on survival in tilmicosin-induced toxicity by electrocardiography and biochemical parameters in goats
Survival rate in tilmicosin toxicity
D Coskun, M ider, A naseri, B Dik, E Bahcivan, B Tras, ayse ER
Effectiveness of doxycycline/ivermectin therapy for heartworm disease in regards to Wolbachia status in dogs
L Spasojević Kosić, V Lalošević, G Kozoderović, V Vračar, S Simin, A Potkonjak
Anti-Müllerian Hormone Expression in the Ovarian Follicles and Factors Related to Serum Anti-Müllerian Hormone Concentrations in the Domestic Queens
A Gözer, G Dogruer, I Gokcek, T Kutlu, O Bahan, I Pır Yagcı
Heavy Metal Residues and Microbial Status of Farmed and Channeled Cat Fish
NA Ebied, MS Abdou, ME Abass, AS Kassab
Identification of genetic polymorphisms in MC4R and GPX5 genes in the autochthonous Greek black pig breed
D Karatosidi, E Avgeris, G Michailidis
Opportunities to improve the immune status of broiler chickens
R Karakolev, Ts Koynarski, L Sotirov, R Petrova, P Petrova-Tsenin
The effect of medical-grade honey or hypericum on matrix metalloproteinases expression in feline wound healing
K Chatzimisios, V Tsioli, C Dovas, G Kazakos, E Moutou, V Angelou, E Pratsinakis, L Papazoglou
Comparison of the effect of eCG and hCG treatment on the fertility in Saanen goats during the breeding season
I Dogan, MB Toker, A Aktar, MM Yilmaz, T Cimen, D Udum
Effect of L-tryptophan on growth performance, blood parameters and immunoresponse of Friesian calves
MA Abu-El-Hamd, AM Metwally, YM El-Diahy, SH Soliman , AM Ghazy
Effects of outdoor plant varieties on performance, egg quality, behavior, and economic analysis of Turkey local chicken from 20 to 36 weeks of age
A Aygun, D Narinc, A Özköse, H Arısoy, R Acar, S Uzal, C Bulut
Evaluation of serum ceruloplasmin to copper ratio in repeat breeder Holstein dairy cows
E Azizipour, M Makki, AA Nikvand, SM Jalali
Later exposure to different perch material and design affects behaviour and performance of Leghorn hens
J. Anwar, A. Mahmud, H.M. Ishaq, S Ahmad, E.U. Khan, M. Waqas, M. Usman, M. Zaid
Serologic and bioinformatics analysis of the Brucella cross reacting antigens
M Pourmahdi Borujeni, M Khosravi, D Gharibi, F Khademi Moghadam, S Yousefinejad
Canine orchiectomy via scrotal approach using vessel-sealing device: prospective observational study of 200 cases
C Yiapanis, C Ober, M Psyllaki, C Attipa, M Potamopoulou, T Vasilakis, J Milram
Quality aspects of oven-dried whole (full-fat) and d-oiled mealworm stored at room temperature
SZ Khan, A Usman, K Khan, P Ali, AA Shah, H Khan, M Israr
The effect of in ovo injection with organic selenium on the hatchability of broiler breeder hen eggs and evaluation of performance, carcass characteristics, blood constitutes, liver enzymes, immunity, cecum microbiota and breast meat fatty acid profile in their broiler chickens
M Yaripour, A Seidavi, M Bouyeh
Local Cheese: Factors Affecting Consumption and PLS-Path Modelling Study
JV Tankosić, S Ignjatijević, M Ivaniš, M Mihajlović, J Avakumović, N Puvača
Microbiological quality of some commercial dairy products and cheese analogues focused on Mideast
AH Adam, A Aly Salwa, MF Saad
Eco-friendly preparation of zinc oxide nanoparticles and effects on Staphylococcus aureus isolated from subclinical mastitis cow milk
MA Bozkurt, E Keyvan, S Donmez, E Sen
Live weights, body measurements, reproduction and fleece characteristics of Şavak Akkaraman ewes and rams
S Yağcı, S Baş, A Tatlıyer Tunaz
Influence of dietary hydrolyzed cottonseed protein supplementation on physiology and metabolism of Japanese quails
H Moradpour, F Kheiri, M Faghani, N Landy
Effect of crossbreeding with Romanov breeds on fattening performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics and meat quality of Awassi ram lambs
D Turkyilmaz, U Dagdelen, N Esenbuga, M Yaprak
Biochemical and histological investigation of azathioprine and melatonin in rats
AΑ Hussein, MΗ Ahmed, NG Mustafa
Short Communication
The efficacy of Contoya (Lobelia decurrens cav.) in the control of eimeriosis in vivo in rabbits
G Reyna-Cotrina, T Torrel Pajares, J Rojas-Moncada, L Vargas Rocha