Political and social dimensions of the language question in Constantinople (1911-­1912). The persecution of the demoticists in the Stavrodromi community

Published: Apr 22, 2019
language issue demoticists
The aim of this article is to analyze language controversy from the perspective of the national identity formation as well as the political and social changes. The persecution of the demoticists teachers at the “Zografeio” and other schools in 1911, that is, the investigations held by the Educational Committee of Patriarchate and the Greek Orthodox Com munity of “Stavrodromi”, and finally the dismissal of some teachers cannot be explained sufficiently, unless they are incorporated into a broader context that is characterized by social and political fluidity. Various social and political interest groups were implicated in the contro versy; The Patriarch Ioackim the Third, the Greek State, the autho rities of the Greek orthodox Community. In this context which is influenced by the power of the regime of the “Young Turks”, the demoticists chose their allies. The study and meticulous analysis of primary archival sources, such as diplomatic and private correspondence, records of the General Assemblies of the Community of Sravrodromi, newspapers, enabled me to reveal how these agents were interdependent, struggling to control schools and community. Also it should be noted that through this language controversy, social groups such as petite bourgeoisie teachers found the opportunity to express their positions.
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