open, digital, online, education, distance education

Open, distance education and self-directed learning of teachers during Covid19 pandemic crisis

Παναγιώτα Ξανθοπούλου
Σταματία Σβάρνα

The fields and motivations of self-directed learning are for adult educators a matter of their lifelong learning. Teachers openly and remotely train themselves in various fields and develop knowledge, skills and attitudes. These fields include education, computer science, arts, environment, special education, school psychology, etc. The teachers’ motivations mainly include their personal and professional development, their socialization, an offering to other people, the improvement of their life quality etc. The present research, with a qualitative approach, attempted to study the fields and motivations of primary school teachers in terms of their self-directed learning. The semi-structured interview technique was chosen for data collection. The results showed that the fields and motivations of the teachers serve their daily school needs. They are related to their personal and professional development and the critical thinking of both themselves and their students afterwards. Especially due to the Covid19 pandemic crisis the training needs of teachers are carried out openly and remotely. Their participation in various programs, but also their future intention to participate, enhance the need to develop self-directed learning skills, as well as e-learning programs in this direction. The present study can contribute to the increase of knowledge and practice in the development, promotion and planning of self-directed learning interventions in open and distance education, while its originality lies in the fact that no similar research has been implemented in the field of self-directed learning and its connection to lifelong teacher education.

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