open, digital, online, education, distance education

Distance collaborative learning in technical vocational education. The case of vehicle control remotely

Published: Jun 2, 2017
Distance collaborative learning distance secondary education technical and vocational training vehicle control
Μαρία Νιάρη
Χρήστος Σαμαράς
Βλάσιος Κουτσούκος
Αντώνης Λιοναράκης
Βασίλειος Βερύκιος
In this paper we describe the basic principles of design and implementation of a distance education activity in the field of secondary technical and vocational education. In particular, we describe the design and implementation stages of the educational activity that took place using the method of distance collaborative learning in two EPAL/TEC in Drama and Athens, during the 2011-2012 school year. The subject to cognitive processing and practical skill cultivation was the "vehicle control" remotely. The results from the implementation of the action certify enhance interaction and focused collaborative communication as elements that enhance and promote learning in distance synchronous collaborative environment in technical vocational education. Furthermore, the successful implementation of the activity provides numerous opportunities for professionals and may lead to the creation of new high-quality services such as diagnosis, repair, roadside assistance, etc. at a distance.
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Author Biographies
Μαρία Νιάρη, ΕΑΠ
Υπ. Δρ.
Χρήστος Σαμαράς, ΕΑΠ
Υπ. Δρ
Βλάσιος Κουτσούκος
Καθηγητής ΕΠΑΛ
Αντώνης Λιοναράκης, ΕΑΠ

Βασίλειος Βερύκιος, ΕΑΠ
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