open, digital, online, education, distance education

Designing supplementary distance school education and the possibilities of applying diversity in distance education

Published: Sep 3, 2021
Distance education Supplementary distance education Autonomous distance education Diversity Educational material Pedagogical material Modern distance learning Asynchronous distance learning Active participation
Παναγιώτα Καραμεσούτη

This article contains three sections. Specifically, the initial section provides an overview of how distance school education works in two organizations on abroad. These are the Alice Springs School of the Air in Australia which offers autonomous distance school education and The Keystone School with mixed education in America for children from remote areas. In the second section, the "Athena" program is designed in a documented way. The implementing body is the Ministry of Education and the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. This is a supplementary distance school education with courses taught in conventional education but also with additional courses both synchronous and asynchronous. Teachers will be fully involved in this and the educational material will consist of textbooks that taught in school but also of specially designed material for distance education. The third section presents the concept of diversity that refers to the way of learning and teaching in distance environment and the educational material in terms of structure, style, content and media. This is followed by a critical evaluation of the applications of diversity and, the conclusions are presented in the final section of this article.

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