V. 4 N. 3 (2021)

Pubblicato: 2021-05-21

This issue presents articles written by students from across Greece in collaboration with
their teachers/mentors in the framework of OSOS and R4C European projects that
presented in the international on line congress «Open and Distance Education: New
challenges and Perspectives» that took place in Athens, 6‐8/11/2020.

Children can help with the climate change


Κλιματική αλλαγή και καθημερινές συνήθειες

Θεόφραστος Βαγγελάτος, Μαρία Βαρδούλια, Μαρίνα Ψωμά – Διακουμάκου, Ραφαηλία Στατήρη, Μαρία Γιαλλούση