Performing Ashura in Piraeus Towards a Shiite Poetics of “Cultural Intimacy” with Greek Embodied Practices of Religiosity

Marios Chatziprokopiou
Fotini Tsibiridou

The research examines the ritual of Ashura, as it is performed by the Pakistani Shia community in Piraeus. Ashura is the day of mourning for the martyrdom of Imam Husayn: the Prophet’s grandson and 3rd Imam who led a revolt against the Omayyad caliph Yazid I, and was finally beheaded in the battle of Karbala in 680 AD. This battle provides the central narrative around which Shia Muslims construct their political identity as migrants and their religious identification as a minority vis-à-vis Sunni Muslims in Greece. Ashura is commemorated every year through rituals of lamentation and public processions that include, in some cases, self-flagellation.

A decontextualized focus on the act of self-flagellation, over-accentuated by the mass media, reinforces local stereotypes of the Shia community practices as “incompatible” with Greek cultural values. Social representations of the Shiite as “barbaric Others” are frequently evoked in public debate in order to support Islamophobic and racialised narratives of anti-cosmopolitanism. However, confronted with xenophobia and social estrangement, the Shiite systematically attempt to articulate counter-narratives of “cultural intimacy” that stress the similarities between their ritual lament and various embodied performances of faith from the Greek cultural context, such as the Tinos pilgrimage or the Anastenaria.

The research has a threefold purpose. First, it documents the community’s political struggle to promote discursively and practically a multicultural vision of citizenship based on embodied and affective components of subjectivity. Second, it unravels the rich meta-symbolic character the Ashura assumes in a migratory context, becoming an idiom or expressing and negotiating feelings of loss associated with migration trajectories. Third, departing from the case of the Ashura, but also opening-up the research focus through other examples of performances of lament, it examines how the claim to cultural intimacy is re-articulated in contemporary artistic practices, focusing on the performing arts.

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Author Biographies
Marios Chatziprokopiou

Marios Chatziprokopiou is a postdoctoral researcher and a teaching fellow at the University of Thessaly. He earned an MA in social anthropology (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris), and a PhD in theatre and performance studies (Aberystwyth University). He has been a fellow at the Research Centre for the Humanities in Greece. He has taught courses on anthropology, theatre and performance (University of Patras, Panteion University, Aberystwyth University, Federal University of Bahia). His articles appear in international edited volumes and peer-reviewed journals. He has presented performances and lecture performances internationally. He has translated three books by Clarice Lispector into Greek. His first poetry book Topical Tropics (Antipodes, 2019) was short-listed for the State Poetry Award. His research interests focus on performances of migration and refugeeness, contemporary re-readings of ancient drama, performances of gender and sexuality, ritual performances of lament, as well as on the intersections between narrative and performance.

Fotini Tsibiridou

Fotini Tsibiridou is Professor of Social Anthropology at the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies at the University of Macedonia and acting Director of the Laboratory for the Study of Culture, Borders and Gender. She has done fieldwork in a former refugee village and among the Pomaks in Greek Thrace, in Macedonian and Peloponnese villages, and the Sultanate of Oman. She has also researched nationalism and multiculturalist discourses and practices in Greek Thrace, as well as gender, citizenship and creative counterpublics in Istanbul. Since 2018, she is researching two topics: post-Ottoman religiosity and gendered subjectivity in the frame of post-colonial critique (Balkans, Turkey, the Middle East), and feminist and other decolonizing methodologies deployed in creative protests and resistance practices in Mediterranean cities in the way to/of cosmopolitics.               

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