Acculturation strategies among Albanian and Indian immigrants in Crete

Published: Jun 15, 2017
Acculturation strategies Ethnic identity Perceived discrimination Self-esteem ethnicity
Ευαγγελία Κατέρη
Ευάγγελος Καραδήμας

The aim of this study was to explore the factors related to the acculturation strategies of first generation Albanian and Indian immigrants in Greece. On the basis of Berry’s acculturation model (1997), immigrants’ demographic characteristics, factors related to intercultural contact (ethnic identity and perceived discrimination) and self-esteem were examined, regarding the acculturation strategies of integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization. The findings indicated that immigrant’s ethnicity differentiated all four acculturation attitudes, with the Indians falling mostly into separation and Albanian participants into integration. The factors of intercultural contact, in
conjunction with demographic factors, predicted integration, assimilation, and separation. On the contrary, in the case of marginalization, immigrants’ demographic characteristics and self-esteem were significant, indicating a negative relationship between marginalization and self-esteem. Furthermore, perceived discrimination
was related positively to separation and negatively to integration. These results are discussed on the basis of Berry’s acculturation model and the rejection-identification model, suggesting that possibly immigrants
with pronounced cultural differences from Greeks experience discrimination and identify more with their in-group, thus choosing separation as a way to protect their self-image.

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