It is published biannually and publishes original papers from all fields of psychology in Greek and in English language. It is indexed in Scopus (Elsevier), PsychInfo (APA), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and other databases. More information here
Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society | New policy for publication of accepted papers
Dear members of the psychological research community,
We are happy to announce that, following a decision of the Editorial Board of ´´'Psychology´: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society', a new policy concerning the publication of accepted papers has been adopted. From now on, papers after being accepted for publication will be forwarded to production for proofreading and typesetting, and will be published and indexed on an article-by-article basis as soon as this process is completed. This will reduce considerably the waiting time from acceptance to publication.
During the next two months, the authors of all already accepted papers will be informed on the preparation of their final manuscripts as well as on potential corrections that might be deemed necessary before publication.
On behalf of the Editorial Board,
Alexandra Karousou
Indexing and Editorial Ethics Coordinator
EXTENSION OF DEADLINE SUBMISSION FOR SPECIAL TOPIC: “Individuals, Relationships and Community in the Digital Era”
In response to numerous requests, we are pleased to announce that the deadline for submission in the Special Topic “Individuals, Relationships and Community in the Digital Era” has been extended until September 29, 2023. For more information, please connect with the initial link: We remind that Authors will be informed of the progress and status of their submissions until the end of December 2023.
The Guest Editors
Panagiotis Kordoutis, Petros Roussos and Anthi Argyroudi
Call for papers: Special section “Contemporary challenges in Clinical and Health Psychology”
The Clinical and Health Psychology Division of the Hellenic Psychological Society invites the submission of manuscripts for a special section addressing “Contemporary challenges in Clinical and Health Psychology”. More specifically, this special issue focuses on the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and other contemporary health threats to the two disciplines of Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology.
More information is provided in the following link.
Current Issue
Vol. 29 No. 2 (2024): Issue December 2024
Rethinking Engagement: Insights from conceptual change research
Natassa Kyriakopoulou, Irini Skopeliti
Preschool teachers’ views about preschool death education: The role of perceived self-efficacy, perceived competence and death experiences
Vasiliki Brouskeli, Ioanna- Konstantina Piperkou
The long-term effect of childhood trauma and alexithymia on mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece
Tanya Anagnostopoulou, Argyroula Kalaitzaki, George Tsouvelas, Alexandra Tamiolaki
Exploring the “interactive” hypothesis in adolescents with vision impairment: The relationship between school belonging and selfesteem
Ifigeneia Manitsa, Dr. Fiona Barlow-Brown
The Effects of Age, Sex and Education on HVLT-R Performance Across the Lifespan: Data from the NEUROAGE Cohort
Flora Nikolaou, Michalis Michaelides, Juliana Prokopiou, George Metaxas, Fofi Constantinidou