Validation of the Greek DSM-V- 5 diagnostic criteria for gambling disorder

Published: Dec 15, 2017
Gambling Disorder validity reliability psychometry
Αναστάσιος Λ. Βάσιος
Πέτρος Λ. Ρούσσος

The purpose of this study was the adaptation and reliability control of the, paraphrased instrument, Greek version of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for gambling disorder, in order to be a tool in clinical and epidemiological studies conducted in Greece. The questionnaire includes nine (9) questions. The respondent selects an answer, either yes or no, and the score is calculated by summing up the individual scores of the questions. The overall result (score) theoretically ranges from zero to nine (0-9) and the criteria are of equal weight. Occurrence of the criteria will relate to the period of the last twelve months. Randomly selected samples were used in this study: a) the general population b) online gamblers, and c) Gambler’s Anonymous. Patients and people in the general population, completed the survey questionnaire [this questionnaire included demographic characteristics and the Greek version of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for gambling disorder]. The psychometric tests applied included a) consistency of the questionnaire (coefficient Cronbach’s alpha 0.877 for group Α, for group B 0.866, for group C 0.946 and omega 0,89, 95% CI [0,85, 0,91] for group Α, 0,88, 95% CI [0,85, 0,90] for group Β, 0,96, 95% CI [0,96, 0,98] for group C . a) The total for all samples is 0.914 and 0,92, respectively, b) the Factor analysis of the scale’s structure highlighted one component and c) according the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) the factors loadings were all significant (p < .001), ranging from .623 to .855. The scale confirmed good psychometric properties for the Greek population. Ιn conclusion, the Greek version of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for gambling disorder provide us with valuable insights.

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