Introduction: History and Contemporary Literature

Published: Apr 11, 2019
literature and history postmodernism contemporary literature
Christine Harrison
Angeliki Spiropoulou

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Author Biographies
Christine Harrison, University of Indianapolis, Athens Campus
 Christine Harrison studied English Literature at the University of Sussex, and she completed her PhD on contemporary literary representations of the early modern period at the University of Birmingham. She has taught English at the University of Indianapolis (Athens Campus), and she is also a pre-sessional tutor at the University of York. She recently published “In Dialogue with the Early Modern Past: Gender Resistance in Rose Tremain’s Restoration and Music and Silence” in the European Journal of English Studies (2012), and her current research interests include representations of the past in contemporary British and Irish fiction, space and place in contemporary fiction, gender issues in historical novels and postcolonial rewritings.
Angeliki Spiropoulou, University of the Peloponnese
Angeliki Spiropoulou is Assistant Professor of Modern European Literature and Theory at the University of the Peloponnese, and a Visiting Research Fellow of the School of Advanced Study, University of London. She has published on English and European modernism, gender, modernity, history, and critical theory, especially Walter Benjamin. She is author of Virginia Woolf, Modernity and History: Constellations with Walter Benjamin (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2010); editor of Walter Benjamin: Images and Myths of Modernity(Alexandreia, 2007); and co-editor of Culture Agonistes: Debating Culture, Rereading Texts (Peter Lang, 2002), and Contemporary Greek Fiction: International Crossings (Alexandreia, 2002). She has also co-edited a special issue on ‘Gender Resistance’for the European Journal of English Studies (2012), and has recently contributed to encyclopedias of modernism (Routledge, Edinburgh UP, Sage) and the volume, 1922: History, Culture, Politics (Cambridge UP).
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Lyotard, Jean-Francois. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Trans. Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1984.
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Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. “Can the Subaltern Speak?” Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory. Ed. Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisman. Harlow: Prentice Hall, 1993. 66-111.
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