Spatialising Early and Late Modernity: Representations of London in Peter Ackroyd’s The House of Dr. Dee and Hawksmoor

Published: Apr 11, 2019
Peter Ackroyd modernity London British novel Nicholas Hawksmoor
Christine Harrison

Peter Ackroyd’s Hawksmoor (1985) and The House of Dr. Dee (1993) are examples of a distinctive British form of contemporary experimental historical fiction, and through representations of London they explore the popular dimension of early modernity, showing how the capital’s spaces both embodied and produced multiple modernity, as well as the unsung pre-modern allegiances that critiqued modern forms. While the novels’ respective Renaissance and post-Restoration settings allow them to explore different stages in the development of both London modernity and resistant forms, their juxtaposition of early and late modern narratives establishes a compelling parallel between early modern and late twentieth-century London. Both sets of narratives also stage a shift away from modern forms towards inherited pre-modern allegiances, connecting this to a new relationship with the capital’s inheritance of pre-Reformation and Gothic built space, as well as an equivalent tradition of London writing, one in which Ackroyd’s novels themselves participate.

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Author Biography
Christine Harrison
Christine Harrison studied English Literature at the University of Sussex, and she completed her PhD on contemporary literary representations of the early modern period at the University of Birmingham. She has taught English at the University of Indianapolis (Athens Campus), and she is also a pre-sessional tutor at the University of York. She recently published “In Dialogue with the Early Modern Past: Gender Resistance in Rose Tremain’s Restoration and Music and Silence” in the European Journal of English Studies (2012), and her current research interests include representations of the past in contemporary British and Irish fiction, space and place in contemporary fiction, gender issues in historical novels and postcolonial rewritings.
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