Europe’s Crisis: Reconsidering Solidarity with Leela Gandhi and Judith Butler

Published: May 1, 2016
Europe crisis community solidarity Leela Gandhi Judith Butler
Giovanna Covi

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Author Biography
Giovanna Covi, Università degli Studi di Trento/University of Trento
Giovanna Covi teaches American Literature and Gender Studies at the University of Trento. More recently, she has authored Jamaica Kincaid's Prismatic Subjects (2003); edited and co-authored Interculturality and Gender (2009), Caribbean-Scottish Relations (2007), Modernist Women Race Nation (2006); co-edited Democracy and Difference: the US in Multidisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives(2012), Gendered Ways of Knowing in Science: Scope and Limitations (2012); contributed to Journal of Contemporary ThoughtModern Fiction Studies, the volumes Edward Said and Jacques Derrida: Reconstellating Humanism and the Global Hybrid (2008), Literatures in English: Priorities of Research (2008), From English Literature to Literatures in English (2005).  
Balibar, Étienne. Equaliberty: Political Essays. Trans. James Ingram. Durham: Duke UP, 2014.
Braidotti, Rosi. “Yes, There Is No Crisis.” International Journal of History, Culture and Modernity 1. 2 (2013): 187-199.
Brunkhorst, Hauke. Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community. Cambridge, MA: MIT UP, 2005.
Butler, Judith. “Merely Cultural.” New Left Review 227 (1998): 33-44.
Butler, Judith. Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2015.
Butler, Judith. “Rethinking Vulnerability and Resistance.” Vulnerability in Resistance. Ed. Judith Butler, Zeynep Gambetti, and Leticia Sabsay. Durham: Duke UP, 2016. 12-27.
Gandhi, Leela. Affective Communities: Anticolonial Thought, Fin-de-Siècle Radicalism, and the Politics of Friendship. Durham: Duke UP, 2006.
Butler, Judith. The Common Cause: Postcolonial Ethics and the Practice of Democracy, 1900-1955. Chicago, IL: Chicago UP, 2014.
Butler, Judith. “Lectio Magistralis.” Libere dalla paura libere dalla violenza. Ed. The Delegazione italiana presso il Consiglio d’Europa, [Italian] Camera dei Deputati. 2016. 15-21.
Butler, Judith. “Utonal Life: A Genealogy for Global Ethics.” Cosmopolitanisms. Ed. Bruce Robbins and Paolo Horta. New York: New York UP, forthcoming 2017.
Lloyd, Moya, “The Ethics and Politics of Vulnerable Bodies.” Butler and Ethics. Ed. Moya Lloyd, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2015. 208-238.
Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Knopf, 1987.
“Solidarietà” in Enciclopedia Treccani,
“Solidarity” in Marxist Internet Archive, Encyclopedia of Marxism, Glossary of Terms,
“Solidarity Clause” (Article 222 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union), Eur-Lex: Access to the European Union, .html
Treaty of Rome (popular name for the Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community, 25 March 1957).
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