Parragirls Past, Present: Unlocking Memories of Institutional ‘Care’: Witnessing and Creative Reparation in the Aftermath of Parramatta Girls Home

Published: Jul 19, 2021
just art documentary poetics justice Parragirls Past Present Unlocking Memories of Institutional ‘Care’ Parramatta Girls Home Lily Hibberd trauma collective memory
Naomi Toth
Lily Hibberd
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Author Biographies
Naomi Toth, Université Paris Nanterre

Naomi Toth lectures in English literature at the Université Paris Nanterre, and is a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. After writing about the experimental novel in English and French, notably Virginia Woolf and Nathalie Sarraute, her current research investigates the relationship between documentary aesthetics and the justice system. She has published L’Écriture vive : Woolf, Sarraute, une autre phénoménologie de la perception (Classiques Garnier, 2016), co-edited an issue of L’Atelier on emotions in literature and the arts (2016) and the volume of essays Son et traduction dans l’oeuvre de Proust (Honoré Champion, 2018). Her articles have appeared in journals such as Textual Practice, Modernism/Modernity, Journal of European Studies, Paragraph, and Jacket2.

Lily Hibberd

Lilly Hibberd is an interdisciplinary artist and writer working with frontiers of time and memory, through combinations of performance, writing, painting, photography, sound, moving image, and installation art. Her work is developed in collaboration and research with local artists, scientists, and historians, and on the invitation of communities. She is founding editor of un Magazine, co-founder of Parragirls Memory Project, Research Fellow at Université de Paris, and Adjunct Lecturer at the University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia.

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